Ernest Augustus Green and Eliza Jeffrey



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John William Jeffrey

1859 - 1911

Ellen Wells

1863 - 1951

Married: 27 Feb 1882

Edward Gerald Green

1917 - 1993

Ernest Augustus Green

1872 - 1965

Ernest William Green

1909 - 1950

Ada Ellen Jane Green

1914 - 2002

Allan Fredrick Green

1912 - 1962

Lavina Quigley

1927 - 2008

Married: 23 May1944

May Byron

1916 - 2005

Married: July 1955

Donald Emms

1913 - 2004

Married: 29 July 1940

Ida Chartrand

c1925 - c1949

Married: 26 Feb 1947

Eliza Louisa Jeffrey

1885 - 1973

Married: 11 April 1908

Link to the Green Tree
Read a 1980s account of Ernest and Eliza's life in Canada.

















Births - Marriages - Deaths        (Grouped by Marriage)
Name Where Born Date Born Married Where Wed When Died Where Buried


John William Jeffrey

Ontario, Canada

19 July 1859



Ellen Wells


13 May 1863

27 Feb 1882


4 Jun 1951

Clarkleigh, Manitoba, Canada


Ernest Augustus Green Battersea, Surrey 23 Feb 1872     23 Mar 1965 Clarkleigh, Manitoba, Canada
Elizabeth Louisa Jeffrey Teulon, Manitoba, Canada 30 Dec 1885 11 Apr 1908 Seamo Church, Clarkleigh, Manitoba, Canada 8 Jul 1973 Clarkleigh, Manitoba, Canada


Ernest William Green

Clarkleigh, Manitoba, Canada

31 Oct 1909

8 Nov 1950

Clarkleigh, Manitoba, Canada

Ida Chartrand



26 Feb 1947





Allan Frederick Green

Where?, Manitoba, Canada

26 Dec 1912



6 Jan 1962

Otto Cemetery, Lundar, Canada

May Byron (née Emms)

Manitoba, Canada

29 Jun 1916

Jul 1925

Oak Point, Manitoba, Canada

11 Dec 2005

Oak Point Cemetery, Canada


Ada Ellen Jane Green

Manitoba, Canada

28 Jul 1914



31 Mar 2002

Inwood, Manitoba, Canada

Donald Emms

Manitoba, Canada

12 Feb 1913

29 July 1946

Ideal, Manitoba, Canada

23 Apr 2004

Inwood, Manitoba, Canada


Edward Gerald Green Where?, Manitoba, Canada 21 Jan 1917     29 Dec 1993 o
Lavina Quigley Manitoba, Canada 4 May 1927 23 May 1944 o 25 Jun 2008 o


bulletWhen Ernest Augustus Green emigrated to Canada, he told his favourite sister Ada Marion Green of his plans on the day that he left and said goodbye: he was 18 and she was just 7; she cried. Perhaps he just did not know how to tell her of his plans. The above are his descendants. It is noteworthy that the name Ada was given to Ernest's first daughter, let us hope that it is used in future generations.


bulletErnest emigrated (aged 18 according to the ships manifest) in 1890. He landed in Quebec, Canada, 30 May 1890. He left London on the Assyrian, travelling in Steerage, and was classified as a Labourer. There appears to have been about 41 travelling in Steerage.
bulletThe Assyrian, initially named the Assyrian Monarch,  was built in 1887 by Earle's Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Hull, England. She weighed 3,317tons, was 360feet long with a beam of 42feet. It had a single screw, a top speed of 11knots, four masts, and a single funnel. She made her last voyage from Glasgow to Boston 24th July 1901 and was scrapped in 1902.
bulletIt appears that he travelled alone and to undertake such a journey at the 18 (according to the ship's manifest) would have required considerable courage. How did he pay the fare; what was the fare? What persuaded him to go?

According to his descendants he made his way from Quebec to Ontario and worked on the railroad there, probably as a blacksmith. He then finds his way to Manitoba and bought some land in the Clarkleigh area known as Seamo in those days. He and his bachelor friend, Mr Viv Thompson,  lived there until Ernest married Eliza Jeffrey. Ernest built up an excellent blacksmithy business, and farmed as well. He had a huge garden but lived very frugally off the land. Money was scarce but he and Eliza were always content. He loved to sit by the fire smoking his pipe.


Thank you: The bulk of the above information has been supplied by the descendants of Ernest Augustus Green in Canada, and I am most grateful to them. A chance letter to an old address revealed the family Ernest created in Canada.


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