The Database of Surnames With Links to the Trees |
The surnames listed here are those that are used in the Family's Tree.
As the site is developed, and more information becomes available, the various strands will become more detailed. Clearly some strands will be more detailed than others due to the need to follow close family surname threads.
The surnames listed below will take you straight to the more detailed family trees displayed in this website.
Andrews, Barnes, Green, Hatch, Hatcher, Jeffery, Lewis, Needle, Ryder, Sutch/Suter, Webb, Wright.
The surname links shown below, will take you straight to a location in the website where these surnames appear as part of a more detailed tree of another surname. This surnames usually appear e.g. as a result of a marriage where the surname is lost through taking the husband's surname.
Bartlett, Belcher, Byron, Burgess, Byers, Carter, Chartrand, Coleman, Collins, Davies, Dickinson, Dobbs, Dowling, Emms, Fallen, Glendinning, Goodyear, Gradidge/Graddidge, Hayter, Higgs (within the Ryder Tree), Higgs (within the Needle Tree), Hurst, Julian, Lewis, McLeish, Mumford, Newland, Nicholls, Parker, Phillips, Ponting, Pugh, Quigley, Reder/Rider, Rimmer, Simpson, Stephens, Walker, Weaver, Wells, Wellsteed, Wilcox, Wilkins. For a complete list of all the names that appear go to the Individual Identities Database. |
Special Biographies
The website now contains three special biographies devoted to the lives of three notable members of the family. They are: