John Green and Sarah Phillips



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Emily Green

c1854 - ?

John Green

c1843 - ?

Henry Green

c1850 - ?

Sarah Green

c1848 - ?

 Fanny Green

c1846 - ?

 Hubert Owen Green

c1859 - ?

  Ann Green

c1852 - ?

 Thomas Green

1840 - 1892

Sarah Phillips

c1822 - 1903

Married: ?

John Green

1816 - 1891

Link to the Green Tree.
Link to Thomas' family.












Births - Marriages - Deaths
Name Where Born When Born When Baptised Where Married When Married When Died Where Buried

John Green

Lockerley, Hants






Shirley, Southampton, Hants

Sarah (née Phillips) Green

Millbrook, Hants



St Mary's, Southampton



Southampton, Hants

Thomas Green

Michelmersh, Hants


13 Dec 1840



3 Aug 1892

Winchfield, Hants

John Green

Awbridge, Hants







Fanny Green

Michelmersh, Hants







Sarah Green

Romsey, Hants







Henry Green

Romsey, Hants







Ann Green

Romsey, Hants







Emily Green

Winterslow, Wiltshire







Hubert Owen Green

Winterslow, Wilts







bulletLockerley, John Green's birth place is about 6 miles north west of Romsey, Hampshire.
bulletJohn Green snr died in Oxford Street, Shirley, Southampton.
bulletJohn and Sarah were married at St Mary's Church, Southampton, Hampshire.
bulletAwbridge, birth place of John Green junior, is about two miles north West of Romsey, Hampshire.


1841 Census - Hamlet of Michelmersh, Hampshire, England
Residence Name Age Profession or Occupation Whether Born in same County
Michelmersh Hamlet John Green 25 Shoemaker Yes
- Sarah Green 20 - Yes
- Thomas Green 6 Months - Yes
Notes - 1841 Census - Michelmersh:
bulletThe 1841 census gave very little information, subsequent census returns were more detailed.


1851 Census - Romsey Extra, Hampshire, England
Residence Name Relation Condition Age Profession or Occupation Where Born
Winchester Road Romsey Union John Green Head Married 35 Master of Romsey Union Lockerley, Hants
- Sarah Green Wife Married 30 Master of Romsey Union, Wife Millbrook, Hants
- Thomas Green Son - 10 Scholar Michelmersh, Hants
- John Green Son - 9 Scholar Awbridge, Hants
- Fanny Green Daughter - 5 Scholar, [illegible]  at home Awbridge, Hants
- Sarah Green Daughter - 3 Scholar, [illegible]  at home Romsey, Hants
- Henry Green Son - 1 [illegible] at home -
bulletWinchester Road Romsey Union was the Romsey Workhouse.
bulletNo birth place was entered for Henry.
bulletFanny's birth place is entered as Awbridge but on other census returns it is recorded as Michelmersh, Hants.


1861 Census -  Winterslow, Wilshire, England
Residence Name Relation Condition Age Profession or Occupation Where Born
Weston Com John Green Head Married 44 Shoemaker Lockerley, Hants
- Sarah Green Wife Married 42 - Millbrook, Hants
- Fanny Green Daughter Unmarried 15 Scholar Michelmersh, Hants
- Sarah Green Daughter - 13 Scholar Romsey, Hants
- Henry Green Son - 11 Scholar Romsey, Hants
- Ann Green Daughter - 9 Scholar Romsey, Hants
- Emily Green Daughter - 7 Scholar Winterslow, Wilts
- Hubert O. Green Son - 2 - Winterslow, Wilts
Notes - 1861 Census - Winterslow:
bulletWeston Com (Common?) appears to be part of the Winterslow group of villages which are on the extreme eastern edge of Wiltshire (Wilts), not too far from Romsey, Hampshire.
bulletThe ages of both parents appear to be wrong, John being one year younger but his wife Sarah is shown as two years older!!!


1871 Census -  Botley, Hedge End, Southampton, England
Residence Name Relation Condition Age Profession or Occupation Where Born
Floating Bridge Road, No Name John Green Head Married 55 Grocer Lockerley, Hants
- Sarah Green Wife Married 49 - Millbrook, Hants
- Sarah Green Daughter Single 23 - Romsey, Hampshire
- Ann Green Daughter Single 19 - Romsey, Hampshire
- Emily Green Daughter Single 17 - Winterslow, Hampshire
- Hubert Owen Green Son Single 12 Scholar Winterslow, Hampshire
Notes - 1891 Census - Millbrook:
bulletInterpreting the Census form may suggest that they lived at number 12.
bulletSeveral house in the road have names, but theirs does not.


1871 Census -  All Saints, Southampton, England
Residence Name Relation Condition Age Profession or Occupation Where Born
7 ?????? Road Henry Green Boarder Unmarried 20 Railway Clerk Romsey, Hants
Notes - 1891 Census - All Saints, Southampton:
bulletHenry has set out on his own and is boarding in Southampton with Mr & Mrs George Ray, who is a Grocer's Assistant and was born in one of the villages that Henry's family has lived in (Michelmersh).


1881 Census -  Millbrook, Southampton, England
Residence Name Relation Condition Age Profession or Occupation Where Born
Millbrook Road (?) John Green Head Married 67 Retired landlord Lockerley, Hants
- Sarah Green Wife Married 62 - Millbrook, Hants
Notes - 1881 Census - Millbrook, Southampton:
bulletInterpreting the census form suggests that they lived in Millbrook Road.


1891 Census -  Millbrook, Southampton, England
Residence Name Relation Condition Age Profession or Occupation Where Born
4 Oxford Street John Green Head Married 76 Retired Publican Lockerley, Hants
- Sarah Green Wife Married 73 - Millbrook, Hants
- Emily Green Daughter Single 30 Shirt Maker Winterslow, Wilts
Notes - 1891 Census - Millbrook:
bulletEmily has moved back home, maybe to look after her parents.


1901 Census -  Millbrook, Southampton, England
Residence Name Relation Condition Age Profession or Occupation Where Born
6 Oxford Street Sarah Green Head Widow 78 - Millbrook, Hants
- Emily Green Daughter Single 30 Shirt Maker Winterslow, Wilts
Notes - 1891 Census - Millbrook:
bulletSometime between 1891 and 1901 they have moved from number 4 to number 6 Oxford Street.
bulletJohn has died.
bulletEmily is described as own account which means she is self employed and is also working from home.
bulletErnest Cox is boarding with them to provide a bit of extra income.
bulletSarah died in 1903.

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