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Frederick T. Green

1891 - ?



 Frederick Green

1866 - ?


Helen D. Green

1900 - ?


Maud Green

c1896 - ?



Leonard Green

c1893 - ?


Annie H. ?

c1870 - ?

Married: 5 Oct 1890


Link to the Fred's Parents
Fred Green and Ann H. ?











Births - Marriages - Deaths


Where Born

Date Born

Date Baptised


Where Wed

When Died

Where Buried

Frederick Green

Netley, Hampshire

11 Dec 1866






Annie H. ?

Battersea, London



5 Oct 1890

St James' Church Hatcham, London



Frederick Thomas Green

Battersea, London

24 Aug 1891






Leonard Green

Battersea, London







Maud Green

Battersea, London







Helen D. Green

Wandsworth, London







bulletFrederick senior, was born in Netley, probably in the railway station, where his father Thomas was the Station Master on the L&SWR.
bulletNetley is now a suburb of Southampton but at the time that Fred was born it was a village in it's own right.


A contemporary note by Madeline B. Green, recording the marriage of Fred Green and of the birth of his first son Frederick Thomas. Ourgenes Archive)

1881 Census - St Mary Extra, South Stoneham, Hampshire, England






Profession or Occupation

Where born

No 14 Hut

Fred Green






Notes - 1881 Census - South Stoneham:

The 1871 Census entry for Fred Green can be seen via this link to his parents Thomas & Jane Green.


It does not say where Fred was born but it was Netley, Hampshire.


It is not clear what Hut means. However, on this census return are entries for three other huts No 13, No 15 - listed as closed but three people are living there, then No  16. All huts contain large numbers of lodgers who are labourers. Were they part of a building project? Well yes, probably. The hut was in the grounds of the Royal Victoria Hospital in Netley, so he must have been involved in its construction. Link to a brief historical guide about the hospital www.hantsnet.org.uk


Fred is living in a hut with the family of Mr & Mrs Daniel Birch and their family of four children, plus four lodgers. All the adult males are Labourers.


Fred is listed as 16 years old, yet can only be 14, was he lying about his age to get a job?


1891 Census - St Peter, Battersea, Surrey, England
Residence Name Relation Condition Age Profession or Occupation Where born
133 [illegible] Road Fred Green Head Married 24 Engine Fitter Netley, Hampshire
- Annie H. Wife Married 21 - Battersea, London

Notes - 1891 Census - Battersea:

Fred and Annie are newly married and living in rooms or a flat.


1901 Census - St Andrew, Wandsworth, Surrey, England
Residence Name Relation Condition Age Profession or Occupation Where born
20 + 20 Cargill Road Fred Green Head Married 35 Engineer's Fitter Netley, Hampshire
- Annie H. Green Wife Married 31 - Battersea, London
- Frederick T. Green Son Single 9 - Battersea, London
- Leonard Green Son Single 8 - Battersea, London
- Maud Green Daughter Single 5 - Battersea, London
- Helen D. Green Daughter Single 10 months - Wandsworth, London

Notes - 1901 Census - St Andrew:

It is not clear what 20 + 20 means.


The family must have moved here just before Helen was born.


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