Joseph Needle and Ruth (Butler) Carter Biography



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Louisa Needle

1876 - ?



Sidney Herbert Needle

1886 - ?



Clara Needle

1874 - 1875



Ruth Carter

c1852 - 1931

Married: c1870



Emma E. Needle

1883 - ?


Alfred H. Needle

1881 - ?


Joseph Needle

1880 - ?


Annie Needle

1878 - ?


Willie R. Needle

1884 - 1930


Joseph Needle

1849 - 1909


Link to the Needle Tree
Link to the Needle Tree.
This line indicates a likely but unconfirmed link.












Births - Marriages - Deaths
Name Where Born Date Born Date Baptised Married Where Wed When Died Where Buried

Joseph Needle

Leckford, Hants





3 Mar 1909

Longstock, Hants

Ruth Needle (née Carter)

Shiperton-on-Stour, Worcs





10 Mar 1931

Wimbledon Cemetery, London

Louisa Needle

Lambeth, Surrey







Annie Needle

Lambeth, Surrey







Joseph Needle

Lambeth, Surrey







Alfred H. Needle

Lambeth, Surrey







Emma E. Needle

Clapham, Surrey







Willie R. Needle

West Battersea, Surrey

5 Sep 1884





Morn Hill, Winchester

bulletJoseph died at 'The Roll Call' public house, at Bullocks Heath, Hampshire, on 3 March 1908 aged 60.
bullet Ruth Needle was always known as Ruth Butler Carter/Needle, indeed her daughter Louisa appears as Louisa Butler Needle on some records. There are several graves of the Butler family at Houghton, Hampshire. Are these part of her family?
bullet Willie Ralph died as a result of injuries sustained in a gassing attack in the trenches in World War 1.


Births - Marriages - Deaths
Name Where Born Date Born Date Baptised Married Where Wed When Died Where Buried
Clara Needle Longstock, Hants 1874 -     1875 Longstock, Hants

Sidney Herbert Needle

Longstock, Hants

1886 -     -


Notes: So far it has not been possible to identify the parents of these two children. More research is underway. However, since there were only two Needle families in Longstock it seems most likely that they belong to Joseph Needle and Ruth Butler Needle (Carter).
bulletClara died after a very short life having been born in the last quarter of 1875 and then dying in the third quarter of 1875. She is buried in the overflow cemetery at St Mary's Longstock.
bulletSidney was born in the third quarter of 1886 in Longstock. However it is the Census of 1891 that tells the very sad story. See below - Census 1891 - Lyncombe and Widcombe


1881 Census - St Peter's, Battersea, London, England
Residence Name Relation Condition Age Profession or Occupation Where born
25 Mayrick Road Joseph Needle Head Married 33 Railway Signalman Leckford, Hants
- Ruth B Wife Married 30 - Worc, Shiperton-on-Stour
- Louisa Daughter - 5 - Lambeth, Surrey
- Annie Daughter - 3 - Lambeth, Surrey
- Joseph Son - 2 - Lambeth, Surrey
- Baby Needle Son - 1 month - Clapham, Surrey
- Anne White Nurse Widow 61 Nurse illegible. Woolstone, Berk.
Notes - 1881 Census - Battersea:
bulletThe 1881 Census shows Joseph and his family living in St Peter's Parish Battersea, London at 25 Mayrick Road.
bulletJoseph's job is probably with the London & South Western Railway (LSWR).
bulletRuth was always known as Ruth Butler Carter, Butler being her mother's maiden name.
bulletA nurse boards to help with the young family.


1891 Census - St Nicholas', Leckford Parish, Hampshire, England
Residence Name Relation Condition Age Profession or Occupation Where born
Peat Spade Inn Joseph Needle Head Married 43 Inn Keeper Leckford, Hants.
- Ruth B Wife Married 40 - Shiperton-on-Stour, Worc,
- Annie Daughter Single 13 - London
- Joseph Son Single 11 - London
- Alfred Son Single 10 - London
- Emma Daughter Single 8 - London
- William Son Single 6 - London
Notes - 1891 Census - Leckford:
bulletBy 1891 the family have moved (c1883) to Longstock and now run the Peat Spade Inn. How did they become owners(?) of the Peat Spade?
bulletBaby Needle now has a name, - Alfred.
bulletWhere is Louisa, who would be 15?

1891 Census - St Thomas a Becket, Lyncombe and Widcombe, Bath, Somerset, England
Residence Name Relation Condition Age Profession or Occupation Where born
Rock Hall House Sidney Needle Boarder - 5 - Longstock, Hants
Notes - 1891 Census - Lyncombe and Widcombe:
bullet Sidney at the very young age of five, is shown as the youngest of eleven boarders.
bullet The other children come from all over the south of England, four are shown as place of birth not known.
bullet The children are shown as either 'Imbecile', or 'Imbecile and Dumb'; Sidney is one of the former.
bullet What an awful situation for a child of five. How was it  that Sidney was placed in an institution so far from home and his parents?
bullet What was Rock Hall House designed for and hoping to do? What happened to Sidney?

1901 Census - St Nicholas', Leckford Parish, Hampshire, England
Residence Name Relation Condition Age Profession or Occupation Where born
Peat Spade Inn Joseph Needle Head Married 53 Licensed Victualler Leckford, Hants.
- Ruth B Wife Married 49 Shiperton-on-Stour, Worc,
- Emma E. Daughter Single 17 Drapers Assistant Clapham Junction, London.
- Willie R. Son Single 16 Dairyman Domestic Clapham Junction, London.

Millicent R. Hayter

Grand Daughter

Single 4 - Fordingbridge, Hants.
Notes - 1901 Census - Leckford:
bulletMillicent Hayter is shown as Joseph and Ruth's grand daughter, but as yet the identity of her mother is not known. Millicent Hayter is probably the daughter of Stephen Hayter who according to Kelly's Directory of 1899 runs a Meschec  Sewing Machine agency in Fordingbridge and lives at the Manor House.
bullet Is William the same person as Willie Ralph? Yes, there appears to be much confusion as to the identity of this person, but as can be seen from the birth certificate he is definitely Willie Ralph! (See Needle Memorabilia.)


1901 Census - Farncombe Parish, Godalming, Surrey, England
Residence Name Relation Condition Age Profession or Occupation Where born
6 Gothic Place Joseph Needle Boarder Single 21 Railway Porter London
Notes - 1901 Census - Farncombe: Joseph jnr. appears on the Farncombe Parish Census as a boarder and working on the railway, having left home.


1901 Census - St Peter's Parish, Lambeth, London, England
Residence Name Relation Condition Age Profession or Occupation Where Born
30 Goding Street, Lambeth Alfred H. Needle Head Single 20 Railway Porter London
Notes - 1901 Census - Lambeth: Alfred is now living alone in a single rented (?) room. The house appears to be split up into rooms for rent.  Alfred is shown as 'Head' because he is the only person living in that room at that address.


Notes: Kelly's Directory of 1899 shows Joseph Needle as the owner of the Peat Spade Inn. However, in the next edition, 1903, the ownership has passed to George A. Mason. In the same edition of Kelly's (1903).


Notes: Willie Ralph Needle later married Ada Marion Green, on Christmas Day 1905, who was working at the Peat Spade as a barmaid. How was it she became the barmaid here? Many weddings took place on Christmas Day because it was probably the only day of the year that was a holiday, since often in service they [workers]  worked every other day of the year,

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